Monday, March 2, 2009

An outstanding woman!

I feel compelled to honor Hannah Brandes today. I have actually been thinking about it for sometime. I admire Hannah for many things, most of which are probably things I lack in myself and desire to emmulate more in my own life.

First, Hannah is FUN! She has a wonderful freedom to have fun and ENJOY the life God has given her.

Second, Hannah is courageous. She does not demonstrate or exhibit fear of the future, or discontentment with the place God has put her in life. She seems to make the most of her gifts and talents, and has a strong sense of self.

Third, Hannah is well rounded. She has many many gifts and talents that don't fit in a box. She is also too modest to tell you about them.

Fourth, Hannah is beautiful!!! She has not only a glowing outside and GREAT HAIR, but she also has a strong and beautiful spirit. She is full of strength and grace. She is refreshing to be around because she is not obsessed with herself, and any hint of that is hidden in not taking herself too seriously.

Fifth, Hannah is godly and she is a memorizer of God's Word (see her recent blog entry).

Sixth, Hannah is a servant. She just comes and sets up that darn coffee on greeting team, takes things down, serves in children's ministry...and she LOVES it. I am encouraged to examine my own grumbling heart when I work with Hannah and remember how I first LOVED to serve in anyway when I first came to SGF.

Seventh, Hannah is able to connect with people on various levels of conversations and intimacy...a real gift! She listens to me ramble in my wandering mind, and she listens to others talk about their kids, and she listens to the WORD.

Eighth, Hannah does not seem to have an anxious personality, but quiet and strong trust in her Heavenly Father.

Ninth, Hannah, even when things get hard and she is down, she still does not seemt o dwell on her problems or her sins, but she is able to step out of them - that is awesome.

Ten, and lastly because Dunn Bro is shutting down, Hannah is loyal and faithful to her friends and her family. She is a devoted friend to many, even though she doesn't feel like she is someone else's "best friend".

Hannah, you probably don't even read this, but if you do I want you to know there is ABUNDANT GRACE over your life. I am so blessed to know you and I am thankful to learn from you dear one.


  1. Kristie! I do read your blog :) and this is VERY MUCH undeserved. You are TOO kind. I'm very blessed to know you and have YOUR listening ear and friendship. I don't know what to say other than that I don't deserve these compliments, thank you for your encouragement.

  2. Here, here! HB is a class act, and I'm glad to know her!
