Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh so classic!!!!

Well folks, another "Kristie-ism" occurred today. It was my first day seeing patients all by myself at the family practice where I work. I had been shadowing for the past 2 weeks and was ready to start trying on my own. Well, turns out I didn't sleep too well the night before - classic. Then, I decided to pull together some stuff to bring at the last minute, which made me run behind - classic. Then I burnt my waffle in the waffle-maker since i was running around crazy - classic. I was carrying too many bags, wearing high-heels (they're Merrels - luv'em!), running down the sidewalk, which happens to be a slight decline....and all-of-a-sudden my R ankle gave out! My right ankle completely rolled to the ground and back up again - classic. I panicked, hands full of bags, not sure what to do! This CANNOT be happening on my first day seeing patients - only this would happen to me!

Would I have to cancel patients, walk around with crutches, be just fine? I grit my teeth and hobbled to the car - determined to not be late and just hope for the best. Oooh, it hurt so bad I just prayed in desperation "Lord, make it better!!!". I threw everything haphazardly into the front seat, and slumped into my seat, trying very hard not to move my right foot - which also happens to be the driving foot. By this time, I took my shoe off, grit my teeth again and tried driving. Let's just say putting on the brakes didn't feel too good. I made it to the freeway, calling caleb along the way. He apparently didn't realize, not to his fault, how much pain I was in because he kept talking about some project he was working on. When my responses turned to grimace-filled "uh huhs" he stopped and asked, "are you really in pain?". Yes! Oh, bless his heart :)

I made it to work with sharp pains going through my ankle, but really, at least it wasn't as bad as two years ago when my dad had to pick me up mid-running route and drive me home. I hobbled into the clinic, high-heeled Merrels and all, and saw my whopping 3 patients for the morning (they start you slow). I hobbled to my desk, worked awhile, and managed to drive relatively pain-free to david's bridal, Bethany Darlings, and meet with a lady at the Ramada about receptions in my classic non-stop pace. It wasn't until I took off my stockings and dress shoes that the morning's event really started to show it's color. Hmmm, I guess you could say it turned puffy and swollen. True to his prior bachelor status, Caleb had no ice packs in the freezer. So I wrapped my ankle in frozen broccoli and snapped peas. It now hurts more, is more swollen, and pressure on it is no good.

But, you know, for some reason the ankle did well today, and we can pray for great healing tomorrow. Oh, life's little adventures can really throw you into a negative spiral, or by God's grace He can help you laugh and offer encouragement through His spirit. Please pray that I would heal a little faster than the classic-Kristie pace, and that I would obediently ice, elevate, rest, and compress :) That will take a miracle!