Saturday, March 21, 2009

"The breeze can only be when she overcomes the heat."

How true it is...a breeze is often most refreshing against the heat of the day/night. But without the heat, as in Minnesota winter's, the breeze just doesn't seem as refreshing. The wind however is always there. Like the wind, God's Goodness and Mercy are always following by our side. It just seems though that we don't appreciate them as much until we think we have lost them. For example, I have never been so thankful for a calm and peaceful heart after a time/day/moment/season of restlessness and trial. Praise God for a fresh realization of His promise and presence in our days, even when it takes a little more to get our attention onto them.

Just remember that when the heat is on, or the "sponge is being squeezed" in your life, God's Goodness and Mercy are even stronger, and He will overcome the heat. He is ALWAYS there. In His perfect 'chairos' timing, He will pass by, and you will feel His gentle touch against your face.

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