Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today I went to lunch with my grandpa Kilpatrick. He is pretty cute, and he likes to buy whatever catches your fancy on the menu. All I said was "oh, hummus and pita...that's good" and I moved on to the rest of the menu. He is like "oh, I like beans, do you want that? Let's get that!" He was going to get soup and salad, but I mentioned the Southwest Chicken Salad looked good and he then said, "Okay, we'll both get that." I don't know, i just thought it was funny.

So, the waitress brought out this great platter of goopy, decidant hummus, warm pita bread, green cucumbers, and red tomatoes. My grandpa ate the black olives - oooh gross! We feasted on pita and hummus and it was so good. I just love food, and I love hummus, and I felt so happy we could order it and splurge a little. I miss that. So, thank you grandpa kilpatrick for spoiling me with pita and hummus at lunch. It is now my dinner too. It's nice when a good man pays :)

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