Thursday, February 26, 2009


Rob Nash preached at Stillwater Sovereign Grace Community church on Sunday. He spoke on "Contentment", again, which is always good yet challenging to hear. One quote that struck me particularily so is this:

"Has getting what you want/desire/crave ever really satisfied you?"

I thought at first that "yes" getting a good grade was encouraging, good tax returns, a date on a Friday night, an easy week...yes those things generally have satisfied me. But, on second glance I realize there is a difference between being relieved, proud of a job well done, etc, and feeling that deep & lasting satisfaction in your soul. I may have an incredibly strong desire to do something, and there are times when the Lord has given that to me, only to find out it wasn't as satisfying as I thought it would be. I didn't get the rush of joy or pleasure out of it, I didn't fix any lingering problem or strained relationship. I wasn't satisfied.

Wordly happiness, which is OKAY at times, is temporary. Jesus asks us why we go to the water that cannot satisfy, why do we live off the bread alone, why do we pour our selves into things that cannot last because they are broken? I guess the Lord just allows us to taste satisfaction, only to later realize it wears off, and that we crave something deeper. He reminds us in His kindness that pursuing things outside His will, habits outside our best interest, and thinking about things or holding on to emotions or attitudes that contradict His word...they will not satisfy. In fact they will frustrate us, and maybe sometimes they make us despise the thing/desire/goal/attitude itself, because we realize they are counterfits to the real peace that God wants us to have when we trust His will for our present daily lives.

So, I just ask you to reflect, and contradict me if necessary, "has getting what you wanted every really satisfied?".

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