Sunday, October 9, 2011

The 7th month - 28 weeks

27.5 weeks!
Well I have hit the 3rd trimester, ALMOST! We celebrate a new week every Thursday. Usually the pictures are at the very end of the night and in my opinion I always look very tired. Turns out when I take a morning picture, such as this, I look tired then too - shocking :)

I had a great 2nd trimester. Lots of energy, lots of working out, not a lot of swelling/edema. I slept fairly well being the light sleeper that I am. I have really enjoyed going to the gym 3-4 days a week since power walking leaves me incredibly sore. In fact, I decided to retry doing an extended walk to get outside and the next day I was convinced by midwife was going to put me on bedrest. She laughed and reassured me I had just sort of sprained or tweaked by pubic bone cartilage and to take it easy for a few days. To my husband's relief, I started to finally drink more water and pee a lot more at work! As for cravings there has not been anything particularily weird. I crave the naughty foods I always did, but just stronger....we try to resist but being married to a foodie is hard sometimes. I have really enjoyed pancakes a lot more than usual and mint flavored ice cream also.

We have been working A LOT on the baby room (previously was a pretty full office) and re-arranging lot of things/closests/bookshelves to make way for Baby J! My great sister, Katie, and I tackled registering in about 4-5 hours. About hour 5, in the bottle section at Target, I found myself shutting down and so we ended the even shortly thereafter. All in all she was VERY helpful, the best sister a girl could as for!

We are also in the middle of putting a bathroom in the basement and hopefully will have new carpet down there by December. We only have 1 bathroom and since its on the main floor and Caleb's clothes will be moving to the upstairds storage area once the baby is born, we thought a bathroom downstairs for him to get ready in would be nice....and a good selling point in a few years. Caleb has had his work cut out for him since he had to tear out closets, hutches, carpet, etc. down there. We thought about re-doing the lovely knotty-pine walls and ceilings, but decided "not now".

We have started birthing classes at Fairview Riverside, which we love. Caleb loves them too :) It is a great time of learning and time to focus on the baby amidst the busyness of life. We go every thursday at 6:30pm and eat Subway beforehand. Sometimes i get overwhelmed at the thought of this baby getting any bigger inside of me, let alone the thought that he is going to have to come out!

If you have been dying to know, we are having a BOY. Below is a picture of me about to go in for the US at 19 weeks. It was early!

It was pretty exciting. I will admit the thought of decorating and dressing a little boy took me awhile to get in to, but now we are just going with it and I think I have things mostly sorted out.

I "popped" out right at the middle to end of August and have not looked back since. I get a lot of comments from my patients, from my family, and people I even see week to week who say, "you look bigger than last week!" And, I would agree. I feel like this little guy is just sticking out and growing quite rapidly, but that is what he is supposed to do I think :)

In the last week I have noticed a little more fatigue and tiredness, a little more swelling in the fingers (but then again it was 80 this week/end), and a little more tossing and turning. The last weeks have brought out the "pregnancy brain", mostly at work, so my patients and I laugh about that too. I am going to try to work right unto labor ensues or my body gives out :) I do tend to push myself quite a bit, and still am doing the Elliptical, but I am trying to listen to my body to rest a bit more. Although I do enjoy my job, and it makes the time pass quickly, I am ready to take some time off. I will take the whole 12 weeks off, Lord willing, and then go back as a PA 3 days a week. We are deciding between 2 home daycares and would appreciate your prayers in just deciding which one, both have ups & downs.

Lastly, Baby J is growing just great, measuring fine, and VERY ACTIVE. He likes to poke and roll and expand and wiggle around. I really enjoy this about him because it is something you can feel, and lately, SEE! It just makes me laugh to see a bump come out of my stomach or feel him flutter across my belly. Caleb really enjoys this part too. Thankfully, Caleb has been able to feel him say "hi daddy" many, many times. We have just started thinking about names, but sorry, we aren't going to share what they are. Who knows, we might change our minds, but for now its the one secret left about the whole thing.

Caleb has been F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!!!! I didn't really know what to expect in regards to how he would process the whole pregnancy thing, but he has been incredibly supportive, helpful, understanding, and just plain fun to be with. Although I definitely cry more at things, I also laugh a lot more too and I like that. All in all it has been a wonderful experience with ups and downs along the way. We are so thankful to God that He is knitting this little peanut together all on His own. As I pray outloud for Baby J during my commute each morning I am reminded of how out of control we are in the growth of this little person's life. It is a good and early intro lesson about how this is God's child and we are here to love, nurture, and protect this little one for Jesus. May Jesus save him at an early age and may Baby J know without a doubt the incredible love of Jesus!

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